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Thursday, January 31, 2013

خانه دوست فريدون مشيري

من دلم مي‌خواهد
خانه‌اي داشته باشم پر دوست،
کنج هر ديوارش
دوست‌هايم بنشينند آرام
گل بگو گل بشنو...؛

هر کسي مي‌خواهد
وارد خانه پر عشق و صفايم گردد
يک سبد بوي گل سرخ
به من هديه کند.

شرط وارد گشتن
شست و شوي دل‌هاست
شرط آن داشتن
   يک دل بي رنگ و رياست...
بر درش برگ گلي مي‌کوبم
روي آن با قلم سبز بهار
مي‌نويسم  اي يار
خانه‌ي ما اينجاست
 تا که سهراب نپرسد ديگر
" خانه دوست کجاست؟  "
(( فريدون  مشيري ))

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Significant days for Wedding

Significant days for Wedding

Many couples prefer to have their wedding on the weekend; However Friday and Sunday are less expensive than Saturday.
There are couples that they consider the holidays “to do or not to do" their wedding. It is better to consult with the key members of the families specially the mother of the Bride and get their opinion about the day of the event.
If both of the bride and groom are Muslim, be sure to get in touch with your marriage officiant ahead of time to ask about the Muslim religious holidays such as Eid al Fetr and Eid al Athha in general and Muharram,  Ashoura  and two days of Rmazan for in particular for some other Muslims.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
In the Interfaith weddings the couple should be aware and respect each other's religious holidays.
 The most important holidays are Christmas, Eastern, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukka, Krishna Janmashthami and Ran Navami.
At last not the least the new couple should be familiar with each other’s major sport events, National and Cultural Holidays and New Year’s Eve celebration.
Be sure before planning and setting a date for your wedding event contact Dr. Hosseini The Interfaith Wedding  Officiant who would be delighted to help you on choosing the perfect date for your event and many other wedding related matters.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Happy new year to my teachers

Happy new year, to my all dear friends. Especially those who have been teachers, or those that they are retired now, or they have taught somehow, some way, somewhere in some part of their lives to various students young, mileage or old, in a small village, a town or big city, in Iran, America or any other part of the world, at elementary, mid or high schools to the universities.