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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Marriage and Real Estate

 As a pioneer realtor and a marriage officiant, I have been fortunate to help many new couples buy   homes. Especially in case of two income families. Studies show married people have a higher percentage of homeowner ship than single people. According to, in cities with more than 30% married couples, 50% of homes are occupied by homeowners. In comparison cities with .larger single population, less than 30% married 39% of homes are occupied by homeowners

Sunday, February 24, 2013

About Dr. Hosseini

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all friends and to my 1300 linkedin affiliates. especially I congratulate this "day of love" to more than two thousand couples whom I have conducted their wedding ceremonies during the last 25 years. I have been fortunate to officiating the marriages of the second generation nowadays. The generation is new but the word of love is the same and remain always fresh. As Hafez the Persian poet of 13th century wrote in one of his love Sonnet " I have not heard anything better than the melody of love" , "a fresh melody which is going to remain everlasting in our globe ".

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

مــن، تــو، او . . . مـا

آذرکده دلم را ـــ که مشتاق عاشقانه سوختن است ـــ با سوختــبارِ عشق می‌افروزم وعشقِ ســرريـز شده از روزنِ چشم‌هايم را نثار تو می‌کنم . . . که دوستت دارم . . .

. . .  و تو، آن شعله رادر جانت می‌ريزی ـــ که مشتاقِ عاشقانه سوختن است ـــ و عشقِ ســرريز شده از روزن چشم‌هايت را نثارِ او می‌کنی که دوستش داری!

آنــگاه، «ما» عشق را از روزن چشمهامان و زمزمــه‌ی لبهامان و مهربانی دست‌هامان نثــــارِ هــمــه می‌کنيم که دوستشان داريم!
از آن پس، ديگـــر، «من» نيست، «تــو» نيست، «او» نيست؛ «ما» هستيم و . . . پيــوندِ عشق!

Monday, February 04, 2013

آمار کلی در همين لحظه

بر روی لینک زیر بروید آمار کلی دنیا را در همين لحظه  ببینید. بی نظیره